Why is temperature control important?

Tips & Advice
29/01/2018 reads787

Why temperature control is important

When the power of the battery or accumulator is too high, the discharge current rushes towards the resistor and the wick, which eventually burns or breaks. What is the cause of this overheating? Should we rely solely on the control of the battery? Or proceed to a verification of all the elements of reception namely the coil and the fiber. This is called temperature control. It is a question of rethinking in full all the electric circuit of the accessory in order to make sure of the good optimization of the heating without going too far.

The organs of this energy system are interdependent and must be controlled together, which means that if the device has hot spots, it is because of a fault in the system as a whole, which must be rectified very quickly. .

Reference will not be made to high-resistance configurations or low-potential, low-flow accumulators (diesel effects). The case of overheating occurs only in a context of permissive resistance (low resistance) of a too large assembly badly distributed (a inhomogeneous heating surface) and a too low battery (exceeding the CDM) or too much powerful (risk of short circuiting the system).

Two configurations fuels the need for temperature control. The first concerns the atomizers reconstructible in mod mecha and the second concerns the atomizers reconstructible in mod electro. The rebuildable criterion is mandatory in the sense that the developers of the original accessories never install configurations that exceed the limits and that the hot spots and the burning of the parts do not depend too much on a bad management by the user . It is rather the do-it-yourselfers who touch the mechanisms without paying attention to the principles that apply to them.

The origins of the heating points

Several reasons cause the overheating of a closed circuit coupled to a resistor. They are embedded in the same mobile, a poor management of energy. It should be known that the battery and coil form a small circuit on which magnitudes are in play. We find among others the basic principles of electricity that are the power (in watts), the potential (in volts), the intensity (in amperes) and finally the resistance (in ohm). These values ​​interact by forming the same cycle and a bad configuration of one of them causes a malfunction of the whole system.

If we take these parameters in their electronic design, it will not be very difficult to recognize that the heating is probably an overload. The problem is to locate the responsible organ. If the heater is present at the level of the accumulator, the overload can come from a resistance too low which increases the flow of electrons in transitions on the wire. If the heater is located on the coil, it is probably because of an overvoltage, or an overpower of the accumulator.

Staged temperature control

If you are in front of a hardware with an electronic management or mod electo, it will be easier to locate the cause since the values ​​of the electric quantities are displayed on your box. And by a simple calculation, you can detect the source of the problem or the disruptive element.

To begin this analysis, start by recording all the information, taking as a basis the charge of the accumulator. In most devices, the display shows voltage, power, and resistance value.

If you notice that the battery is too strong for the resistance (by a voltage higher than the load supported by the resistor) proceed to disassemble the box, remove the battery and reverify the original potential (must be between 5 and 12 volts), compare it to the information you have noted on the screen. If the potential is higher on the note, it means that the charging intensity of your battery has exceeded its maximum charging capacity. This state of affairs leads to overload and can cause deterioration (inflation, degassing) with a rise in temperature. In the opposite case, if the battery heats up while the DDP (potential difference) is in order, it is because of its discharge. When the current flows along the circuit, it must respect a limit which is relative to the resistivity of the current.

If you have noticed that the power is normal (power consumption rate in watts), while heating points are located on the box, the diagnosis will fall on the overflow of Maximum Discharge Capacity (MDC). Normally the box must regulate this limit, however errors can arise and distort the perception of the electrical situation of your e-cig. The CDM prevents the current from passing from a certain amount, otherwise the resistance leaves the electron portal wide open, allowing the flux to increase, no longer respecting the quantity and frequency that the accumulator can discharge. It is the very principle of ohm's law which is implemented and which changes according to the behavior of the resistance, the conducting wire and the properties of the accumulator.

Ohm's law, how does it work?

It's not a big theory that will turn you into a physics genius, but it does give you some basic knowledge of the electrical and electronic system of your device. This law, present in all the devices of the same functioning as the electronic cigarette (with electrical energy and a resistance), contains all the possibilities of the manipulation that a moderator can apply to generate the heating that it seeks or for optimize its coil to get the perfect vape.

This property is summed up in a simple formula known to all in the following form: U = RxI is U the electrical potential measured in volts, R resistance in ohm and I amperage current in amperes. The application of this relationship in an electrical system reflects the behavior of the energy during the discharge of the latter. In simple terms, it can be said that the higher the resistance, the higher the potential and the intensity varies according to its value.

How to control the temperature from this law?

What you need to know is that the energy accumulated in the battery per charge is transformed by the chemistry of the accumulator, which is responsible for redistributing it in new conditions with a thermal object (that is to say to obtain heat). It is a flexible and flexible theory that governs the entire circuit. It is used primarily to determine the value of resistance by reversing the equation.

A low resistance allows to better circulate the flow of electrons, which reflects a higher intensity or a less restricted power. The resistance is obtained on the ratio of the potential U to the intensity. Applied on a dipole (like the circuit of the electronic cigarette) one seeks this resistance as follows: R = U / I. Which means in secular language that the value of R is proportional to the electric charge U (potential difference) divided by the quantity distributed or the intensity I. This value of I determines the behavior of R, hence a low intensity reflects a tougher resistance. The object of this resistivity is based on the blocking of the driver's heating. Indeed, the jostling effect generated by the compression of the electrons creates a thermal behavior, which needs to be regulated to protect the receiver they are going through. We find this system in the electronic cigarette as in photoelectric devices (led, bulbs ...)

It is from here that one can begin to analyze the bad behavior of a part or an anomaly in the e-cigs circuit. In order to preserve the components of the accessory, the manufacturers recommend accumulators configured specifically for the system in place. A good coexistence between the supplied power and the resistance is obligatory if one does not want to face an explosion or an overheating of the material. What needs to be done is to know the value of the potential of the battery, if the type of current it redistributes is adapted to the receiver. In its most generalized form, the battery for e-cig informs on its envelope its voltage, its capacity in mAh (Milli ampere hours). With these indications, the relationship is thus made in the sense that you are in a favorable position to recognize the speed and consumption that is appropriate for its application. In addition, most of the batteries describe an operating limit to prevent overheating known as CDM or Maximum Discharge Capacity.

If you are in front of an interface of an electronic box, the difference between this precaution and that of the actual consumption displayed on the screen will determine the operation of the device. If you notice that the power is a little high with a low resistivity display, do not be surprised to feel a rise in temperature. This small control serves as a beacon, since from the discharge limit, a modification must be made. The good news is that the adjustment does not require disassembly of organs, but can be done immediately from the control buttons.

If, on the other hand, the same situations arise in front of the mechanically rebuilt, the task is more difficult. In the presence of this kind of material, the uninitiated are strongly warned of the danger that may arise. Here, no protection is visible and the assembly and the power depend entirely on the manipulation of the object. Making a temperature control on a mod mecha is an experienced hand, knowing the physical principles and agile in the modulation.

First of all, it is always necessary to check what battery you have to do, check its charging properties, discharge, potential and also its consumption. The first thing to know is its load capacity indicated in C (coulomb). An abnormal heating of the accumulator can come from its recharging by a too powerful sector, which charges a surplus of amperage by surface of conductivity that the material does not support. Then, as for other systems, it is necessary to learn about its electric behavior in discharge. A capacity of 10 000 mAh indicates for example that to empty completely, the rate of distribution of your battery is at a frequency of one amp per hour. From there, you can calculate the power of the current by relating it to the consumption of the device, the resistance and the intensity.

Control from the resistance

The accumulator and the coil are the organs likely to undergo a variation of temperature in an electronic accessory of vaping. The origin of a heat anomaly does not depend solely on the source of energy. On the contrary, it is from the moment when one begins to tinker the coil that the risk increases. With the reconstructible, the follies are at the rendezvous and the trend is that the coils are fast, efficient and very hot, far from the habit we had on the first generations to provide the aerosol identical to that of the real cigarette. Today is a hunt for clouds, power vaping, concentrated tastes and aggressive hits, all by tinkering with the mounting parameters of the resistance.

This quest, innocent is all the more free choice that the user is carried by his intuition, at the expense of the capacity of the device in most cases. With parallel coils configurations, with stainless steel or copper structures (very conductive), it is the full power that is reflected by this search for power; however, leading to overconsumption, subohm and an unusually high heating of resistance.

The problem arises in terms of the intensity that may melt the resistive wire and the wick. The temperature control thus makes it possible to save this degradation. Overheating comes from a miscalculation of resistivity that causes the wire to consume more electricity than it can withstand. Knowing that a resistive wire is a material designed for limited purposes, each of them has a degree of fusion, and even from a certain temperature that it can still withstand, it is the wick that is likely to burn and leads to what is called the dry hit, or the sensation of burning in the vape.

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Anquet myriam

2018-07-05 17:35:21

Bonjour j aie acheter chez vous une cubox mais j aie un gros propbleme en prenant les resitances qu il faut elles crament en 3 jours esque c est normal et vu qu il n y a pas de bouton pour regler cela me decoit bcp

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